7 places to find porn that's actually worth watching

Free access means porn use has skyrocketed. Today, many porn sites are free. New York Magazine reported that a decade ago total daily adult site traffic averaged less than 1 million unique visitors on the entire internet. Today, free Mindgeek tube sites alone receive 100 million unique visitors per day (The Economist – 2015). Jun 12, 2018 · Sometimes, these viruses hide inside content you can download from porn sites, according to a 2018 Kaspersky report. It named six different Trojans that had “been hiding within porn apps and May 26, 2017 · The internet has come a long way since 2007 - which means that trends in online pornography have changed, too, with a newly released survey on the subject revealing some interesting truths about Dec 10, 2017 · The tube sites are run from Germany so you can't necessarily get content taken down even if you sue. Porn Valley is no more besides a handful of custom content businesses and the huge companies like Vivid porn as a small startup business is absolutely dead. Aug 19, 2016 · Porn revenue is more than the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC ($6.2 billion). [7] Twelve percent of websites on the Internet are pornographic. [7] Over 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites. [7] Around 70% of men aged 18–24 visit porn sites in a typical month. [7] Child pornography generates around $3 billion annually Jul 20, 2018 · After Pornhub and xVideos, it is one of the most popular porn sites on the internet, with more than 482 million estimated page views per month. 6 Xnxx.com. XnXX. U.S. Alexa ranking: 75. Sep 26, 2010 · And as mentioned earlier, many porn sites operate as actual, legitimate businesses that want to attract and retain customers. That said, it may be hard to tell the "legit" porn sites from malware

Apr 17, 2013

This is how much of the internet is porn - Mirror Online Feb 09, 2017 7 places to find porn that's actually worth watching Hysterical Literature. It’s hard concentrating on two things at once, especially when one involves …

Retired and Looking at Pornography: Porn and the Elderly

Meanwhile, the best book I’ve read about Internet porn is A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sex and Relationships. The authors, computational neuroscientists Ogi Ogas