Jul 01, 2020

Internet Censorship: How Countries Block Their Citizens Mar 21, 2014 The spread of internet censorship around the world - TechMoran To those in the West, internet censorship is often thought of as something that happens ‘elsewhere’ – China or other despotic authoritarian regimes. But increasingly overbearing government regulations have begun to threaten internet freedoms in the West too. The pro-democracy think tank Freedom House show the relative internet freedom of countries around the globe with […] Opinion | Censorship is undermining press freedom - The Sep 10, 2019

In Venezuela, a case that we examine below in depth, all three of these factors are in play. Internet usage there is among the fastest-growing in the world, even as the government pursues an ambitious program of censorship. Many methods used by the state are beneath the waterline, and have surfaced in other countries.

Sep 10, 2019 Which Countries Censor the Internet Today? at Feb 27, 2017

Jul 01, 2020

Internet Censorship 2020: A Global Map of Internet Jan 15, 2020 Which Countries Have the Strictest Internet Censorship China. While China has widespread internet access, it also has one of the world’s most advanced …